Expeditions with Patrick McMilian: Gardening for Life – Transforming Your Landscape for Life
Season 3 Episode 7.
Gardens are much more than a pretty place. They can be an oasis of life in all forms, preserving the nature that brings us so much value and an oasis for us spiritually. Join Patrick as he explores how your landscape can be transformed into a crucible of life. Patrick’s changes at the South Carolina Botanical Garden have made a dramatic impact on the life there, where more than 200 bird species, 18 species of frogs and toads and thousands of species of insects now find a refuge. 434-407
Gardens are much more than a pretty place. They can be an oasis of life in all forms, preserving the nature that brings us so much value and an oasis for us spiritually. Join Patrick as he explores how your landscape can be transformed into a crucible of life. Patrick’s changes at the South Carolina Botanical Garden have made a dramatic impact on the life there, where more than 200 bird species, 18 species of frogs and toads and thousands of species of insects now find a refuge. 434-407