Priscilla’s Lower Back Repair Kit
Approximately 80% of our population has had, is having or will have lower back problems. This program includes two lessons (18 and 20 minutes respectively) and then a segment at the end with a physical therapist that will explain and demonstrate different variations to the poses in cases of particular limitations. The first lesson contains a brief segment on breathing and relaxation techniques to ease the tension out of the tight muscles, and then some very gentle exercises designed to actually alleviate lower back pain. This is an extremely soothing segment. The second lesson contains over a dozen different exercises specifically designed to bring strength and flexibility into the lumbar back. These exercises include abdominal workouts, squat strengtheners, pelvic titles, cat poses, back arches and much more. This program is recommended for ALL adults to keep backs strong and healthy. Don’t wait for your back to give you problems before you start taking care of it! Length: 45:52 #012-007